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Oh, sorry! There was a problem with my webmail and the files were not delivered.
Here is the small patch (only three lines to add in a file) and the test 
Do you think the patch will be included for the 3.4.0 release?
Best regards,

Le 09/05/2011 11:27, a écrit :
Hi there,

here is a patch of the writer module that fixes bug 33781 (No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is 
"as char").
The patch is against LibreOffice 3.4.0 DEV300m103 (Build:1), as it is said in the About dialog.

Since I'm not familiar with git, I provide the patch as a simple diff file. I hope it's not a 
problem for you.

I also attach a test file : just right click on the displayed equation and select "Anchor / As 
character" to check that the metafile is correctly antialiased now.

Hope this helps,

(See attached file: fix-antialiasing-problem-with-metafiles.patch.gz) (See attached file: 

Roland Baudin
Ingénieur de Recherche / Research Engineer
Tel : +33 5 34 35 55 16
Fax : +33 5 34 35 51 52

LibreOffice mailing list

X File Explorer
Toutes Choses
--- ./git.orig/libo/clone/writer/sw/source/core/doc/notxtfrm.cxx        2011-05-08 
12:20:26.000000000 +0200
+++ ./git/libo/clone/writer/sw/source/core/doc/notxtfrm.cxx     2011-05-09 10:48:43.020482547 +0200
@@ -816,6 +816,13 @@
     if( pGrfNd )
+               // Fix for bug #33781
+               if (pShell->Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsAntiAliasing())
+               {
+                       pOut->SetAntialiasing( ANTIALIASING_ENABLE_B2DDRAW );
+               }
+               // End of fix
         sal_Bool bForceSwap = sal_False, bContinue = sal_True;
         GraphicObject& rGrfObj = pGrfNd->GetGrfObj();

Attachment: antialiasing-metafile-test.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text


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