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Hi Bernhard,

On 2011-05-06 at 23:24 +0200, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

When clicking on the round button at the side of the RGB and HSB values 
(do you want to add this for CMYK too?) it seems that this keeps the 
entry constant during selection of any point in the large color field.

When you move the focus on the small color bar at the side of the color 
area the fixed values seem to move.
I am sure Christian will be able to answer better, but the root of the
problem is that the color space is 3d - that's why you need the
additional (here vertical) scroll, or a way to mark one of the
components fixed (the radio button).

Do you want to add a description to these buttons (or did you already) 
to explain to the user what happens when he clicks on them?

By the way: Did we already implement any bugzilla keyword or wiki page 
pointing documentation team (including help creators) and UX to areas 
they should know of?
That is a great point - I have just created a 3.5 release notes page, to
list the features there that are 3.5-only, and added the description of
the improved color picker there (Christian, please feel free to improve

Everybody who implements a new feature in master, please add it to this
page! :-)

Thank you,


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