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Thanks Christian, *:
On 2011-05-06, at 12:05 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Peter, *,

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Peter Teeson <> wrote:
OK my version of ccache is 3.1.4
And are you sure that this is also used when building?
Please show configure's output regarding the ccache check.

And also make sure to run configure/ from a clean shell,
without having the environment variables from a previous compile set
(i.e. from a shell were you didn't source the MacOSX* file)
This really looks like the ccache bug wrt. --ccache-skip handling,
where it would strip the wrong arguments.

when use of ccache-skip is enabled, the following:
# -x options generally ignored by ccache, tell it that it can cache
# the result nevertheless
CCACHE_SKIP:=$(eq,$(USE_CCACHE),YES --ccache-skip $(NULL))
OBJCXXFLAGS:=$(CCACHE_SKIP) -x $(CCACHE_SKIP) objective-c++ -fobjc-exceptions
I completely understand this (I looked at the web page)

will result in "--ccache-skip -x --ccache-skip objective-c++
-fobjc-exceptions" to be added to the compile flags.
Your snippet (single-process build would be easier to tell what line
belongs to what execution) shows that apparently
"-x --ccache-skip objective-c++ -fobjc-exceptions" ends up being
passed to the compiler.

And this clearly is wrong, the real compiler should be called with "-x
objective-c++ -fobjc-exceptions"

I still think something is wrong with your ccache-setup.  Please post
what the variable CXX and CC are set to in the MacOSX*
file/what compiler command is actually used.
Last login: Fri May  6 15:52:58 on ttys000
Gandalf:~ pteeson$ cd git/libo
Gandalf:libo pteeson$ source ./
Gandalf:libo pteeson$ env

How did you setup ccache? Using symlinks or by passing environment variables?

Installed ccache from the downloaded tar.bz2 file which was unpacked into a folder labelled 
From the Terminal I did 
make install

NOTE: From log of last ./ which I just ran (without --enable-cache-skip)echo.
NOTE: I get these same lines whether or not --enable-cache-skip is passed to autogen.
NOTE: Perhaps this is the nub of the problem?

checking whether we are allowed and able to use --ccache-skip... probing...
checking for ccache... /usr/local/bin/ccache
checking whether version of ccache is suitable... no
configure: ccache version 3.1.4 not accepted. See description for --enable-ccache-skip

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