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On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 14:32 +0300, Lior Kaplan wrote:
And for the other question mentioned on the debian bug report - I'd
like to have Hebrew the default CTL language when the Hebrew lang pack
is installed.

Not so sure about that one, the default languages (unless overridden)
are supposed to be taken from the system locale regardless of what
language packs happen to be installed.

So if your locale is he_IL then it "just works" and the CTL should be
hebrew regardless of what langpacks are installed.

The grey area of course is if your system locale is set to something
which is categorized as "Western" then what to fill in for the other
categories, so I stuck a finger in the air and put the languages with
the most (either first or more) language speakers/readers as the default
fallbacks. I *suppose* it might not be the craziest idea to examine the
installed langpacks in this case before falling back to those final

i.e. see MsLangId::resolveSystemLanguageByScriptType in
i18npool/source/isolang/mslangid.cxx and potentially some sort of "see
what CTL packs are installed and bias towards installed one"


p.s. Under windows there are a few categories of locale that can be
looked into to try a few more places, but all we got under unx is the
single locale setting, unless anyone has any other good ideas.


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