Hi Michael, MessageBoxButtons as well as XSCRIPTCONTEXT do not exist for me. Python doesn´t find them and they are documented as “not published” [1]. I think it would be nice to use createMessageBox() and to have a dynamic size and a nice error icon. But with the use of Laurent´s implementation I could solve the task. [2] With the modified mailmerge.py I get the expected pythonerror in a messagebox after closing the MsgBox. [3] In fact all pythonerrors are reported like this on my computer. What does it look like on nonfree platforms? In fact it is better to display only one error message. Not all python errors are reported in a message by default. If there are syntax errors at the beginning of the file, office remains silent. This is problem. When there is a MsgBox that works for everybody I suggest to implement it into pythonscript.py so that it is being used for all exceptions. regards, Timo [1] http://api.openoffice.org/docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/awt/MessageBoxButtons.html#BUTTONS_OK [2] see mailmerge.py and MsgBox.py from the attachments [3] see screenshot Bildschirmfoto.png Am Montag, den 11.04.2011, 17:01 +0100 schrieb Michael Meeks:
Hi Timo, On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 02:22 +0200, Timo wrote:Is there a way to test the pythonfile within office? At the moment each time i kill soffice, restart writer and clickSo - after a bit more digging; I got to here: class MessageBox: def __init__(self, XParentWindow): try: if XParentWindow is None: frame = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop().getCurrentFrame() XParentWindow = frame.getContainerWindow() self.Parent = XParentWindow self.Toolkit = XParentWindow.getToolkit() except: raise AttributeError, 'Did not get a valid parent window' def msgbox(self, message='', flag=0, title=''): '''Wrapper for com.sun.star.awt.XMessageBoxFactory.''' rect = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle') dlg = self.Toolkit.createMessageBox(self.Parent, rect, "errorbox", 1, title, message) dlg.execute() Which at least works for me, though I couldn't see why the com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons set of constants wouldn't work nicely for me. When I whack that into my system's TableSample.py and add: box = MessageBox(None) box.msgbox ("What is this ?") to createTable() - I get a nice message-box first :-) I bound running that macro to F4 to make it quicker to loop iterate / check the code The UNO API is pretty fearsome to use, it can help to read the interface comments in offapi/ but it is not for the faint hearted, clearly :-) I guess, seeing how broken the C++ side is - with helpful comments like: if(!bIsLoggedIn) { OSL_FAIL("create error message"); return; } that simply don't create an error message, or do anything useful - perhaps a chunk of the work needed is on the C++ side anyway. HTH, Michael.
Description: PNG image
# Caolan McNamara caolanm@redhat.com # a simple email mailmerge component # manual installation for hackers, not necessary for users # cp mailmerge.py /usr/lib/openoffice.org2.0/program # cd /usr/lib/openoffice.org2.0/program # ./unopkg add --shared mailmerge.py # edit ~/.openoffice.org2/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Writer.xcu # and change EMailSupported to as follows... # <prop oor:name="EMailSupported" oor:type="xs:boolean"> # <value>true</value> # </prop> import unohelper import uno import re #to implement com::sun::star::mail::XMailServiceProvider #and #to implement com.sun.star.mail.XMailMessage #from com.sun.star.awt.MessageBoxButtons import * from com.sun.star.mail import XMailServiceProvider from com.sun.star.mail import XMailService from com.sun.star.mail import XSmtpService from com.sun.star.mail import XConnectionListener from com.sun.star.mail import XAuthenticator from com.sun.star.mail import XMailMessage from com.sun.star.mail.MailServiceType import SMTP from com.sun.star.mail.MailServiceType import POP3 from com.sun.star.mail.MailServiceType import IMAP from com.sun.star.uno import XCurrentContext from com.sun.star.lang import IllegalArgumentException from com.sun.star.lang import EventObject from com.sun.star.mail import SendMailMessageFailedException from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.Message import Message from email import Encoders from email.Header import Header from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.Utils import formatdate from email.Utils import parseaddr from com.sun.star.awt import WindowDescriptor from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import MODALTOP #import com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute as Buttons import MsgBox import sys, smtplib, imaplib, poplib dbg = False def showError(ctx,text): #localContext = uno.getComponentContext() #resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( # "com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver", localContext ) #ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" ) #smgr = ctx.ServiceManager #toolkit = smgr.createInstanceWithContext( # 'com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit', # ctx) box = MsgBox.MsgBox(ctx) box.addButton("OK") box.renderFromBoxSize(400) box.numberOfLines = 10 box.show(text,0,"Error") exit(1) class PyMailSMTPService(unohelper.Base, XSmtpService): def __init__( self, ctx ): self.ctx = ctx self.listeners = [] self.supportedtypes = ('Insecure', 'Ssl') self.server = None self.connectioncontext = None self.notify = EventObject() if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService init" def addConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService addConnectionListener" self.listeners.append(xListener) def removeConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService removeConnectionListener" self.listeners.remove(xListener) def getSupportedConnectionTypes(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService getSupportedConnectionTypes" return self.supportedtypes def connect(self, xConnectionContext, xAuthenticator): self.connectioncontext = xConnectionContext if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService connect" server = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ServerName") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, server port = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("Port") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, port self.server = smtplib.SMTP(server, port) if dbg: self.server.set_debuglevel(1) connectiontype = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ConnectionType") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, connectiontype if connectiontype == 'Ssl': self.server.ehlo() self.server.starttls() self.server.ehlo() user = xAuthenticator.getUserName().encode('ascii') password = xAuthenticator.getPassword().encode('ascii') if user != '': if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, 'Logging in, username of', user self.server.login(user, password) for listener in self.listeners: listener.connected(self.notify) def disconnect(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService disconnect" if self.server: self.server.quit() self.server = None for listener in self.listeners: listener.disconnected(self.notify) def isConnected(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService isConnected" return self.server != None def getCurrentConnectionContext(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService getCurrentConnectionContext" return self.connectioncontext def sendMailMessage(self, xMailMessage): COMMASPACE = ', ' if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService sendMailMessage" recipients = xMailMessage.getRecipients() sendermail = xMailMessage.SenderAddress sendername = xMailMessage.SenderName subject = xMailMessage.Subject ccrecipients = xMailMessage.getCcRecipients() bccrecipients = xMailMessage.getBccRecipients() if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService subject", subject print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService from", sendername.encode('utf-8') print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMTPService from", sendermail print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService send to", recipients attachments = xMailMessage.getAttachments() textmsg = Message() content = xMailMessage.Body flavors = content.getTransferDataFlavors() if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService flavors len", len(flavors) #Use first flavor that's sane for an email body for flavor in flavors: if flavor.MimeType.find('text/html') != -1 or flavor.MimeType.find('text/plain') != -1: if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService mimetype is", flavor.MimeType textbody = content.getTransferData(flavor) try: textbody = textbody.value except: pass textbody = textbody.encode('utf-8') if len(textbody): mimeEncoding = re.sub("charset=.*", "charset=UTF-8", flavor.MimeType) if mimeEncoding.find('charset=UTF-8') == -1: mimeEncoding = mimeEncoding + "; charset=UTF-8" textmsg['Content-Type'] = mimeEncoding textmsg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0' textmsg.set_payload(textbody) break if (len(attachments)): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg.epilogue = '' msg.attach(textmsg) else: msg = textmsg hdr = Header(sendername, 'utf-8') hdr.append('<'+sendermail+'>','us-ascii') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = hdr msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(recipients) if len(ccrecipients): msg['Cc'] = COMMASPACE.join(ccrecipients) if xMailMessage.ReplyToAddress != '': msg['Reply-To'] = xMailMessage.ReplyToAddress mailerstring = "OpenOffice.org 2.0 via Caolan's mailmerge component" try: ctx = uno.getComponentContext() aConfigProvider = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider") prop = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue') prop.Name = "nodepath" prop.Value = "/org.openoffice.Setup/Product" aSettings = aConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess", (prop,)) mailerstring = aSettings.getByName("ooName") + " " + \ aSettings.getByName("ooSetupVersion") + " via Caolan's mailmerge component" except: pass msg['X-Mailer'] = mailerstring msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) for attachment in attachments: content = attachment.Data flavors = content.getTransferDataFlavors() flavor = flavors[0] ctype = flavor.MimeType maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1) msgattachment = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) data = content.getTransferData(flavor) msgattachment.set_payload(data) Encoders.encode_base64(msgattachment) msgattachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', \ filename=attachment.ReadableName) msg.attach(msgattachment) uniquer = {} for key in recipients: uniquer[key] = True if len(ccrecipients): for key in ccrecipients: uniquer[key] = True if len(bccrecipients): for key in bccrecipients: uniquer[key] = True truerecipients = uniquer.keys() if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailSMPTService recipients are", truerecipients try: self.server.sendmail(sendermail, truerecipients, msg.as_string()) except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused as inst: msg = "" for key,val in inst.recipients.iteritems(): msg+=val[1]+"\n" showError(self.ctx,msg) except Exception as inst: showError(self.ctx,str(inst)) #except smtplib.SMTPException: class PyMailIMAPService(unohelper.Base, XMailService): def __init__( self, ctx ): self.ctx = ctx self.listeners = [] self.supportedtypes = ('Insecure', 'Ssl') self.server = None self.connectioncontext = None if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService init" def addConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService addConnectionListener" self.listeners.append(xListener) def removeConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService removeConnectionListener" self.listeners.remove(xListener) def getSupportedConnectionTypes(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService getSupportedConnectionTypes" return self.supportedtypes def connect(self, xConnectionContext, xAuthenticator): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService connect" self.connectioncontext = xConnectionContext server = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ServerName") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, server port = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("Port") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, port connectiontype = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ConnectionType") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, connectiontype print >> sys.stderr, "BEFORE" if connectiontype == 'Ssl': self.server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(server, port) else: self.server = imaplib.IMAP4(server, port) print >> sys.stderr, "AFTER" user = xAuthenticator.getUserName().encode('ascii') password = xAuthenticator.getPassword().encode('ascii') if user != '': if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, 'Logging in, username of', user self.server.login(user, password) for listener in self.listeners: listener.connected(self.notify) def disconnect(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService disconnect" if self.server: self.server.logout() self.server = None for listener in self.listeners: listener.disconnected(self.notify) def isConnected(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService isConnected" return self.server != None def getCurrentConnectionContext(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailIMAPService getCurrentConnectionContext" return self.connectioncontext class PyMailPOP3Service(unohelper.Base, XMailService): def __init__( self, ctx ): self.ctx = ctx self.listeners = [] self.supportedtypes = ('Insecure', 'Ssl') self.server = None self.connectioncontext = None if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service init" def addConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service addConnectionListener" self.listeners.append(xListener) def removeConnectionListener(self, xListener): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service removeConnectionListener" self.listeners.remove(xListener) def getSupportedConnectionTypes(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service getSupportedConnectionTypes" return self.supportedtypes def connect(self, xConnectionContext, xAuthenticator): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service connect" self.connectioncontext = xConnectionContext server = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ServerName") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, server port = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("Port") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, port connectiontype = xConnectionContext.getValueByName("ConnectionType") if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, connectiontype print >> sys.stderr, "BEFORE" if connectiontype == 'Ssl': self.server = poplib.POP3_SSL(server, port) else: self.server = poplib.POP3(server, port) print >> sys.stderr, "AFTER" user = xAuthenticator.getUserName().encode('ascii') password = xAuthenticator.getPassword().encode('ascii') if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, 'Logging in, username of', user self.server.user(user) self.server.pass_(user, password) for listener in self.listeners: listener.connected(self.notify) def disconnect(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service disconnect" if self.server: self.server.quit() self.server = None for listener in self.listeners: listener.disconnected(self.notify) def isConnected(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service isConnected" return self.server != None def getCurrentConnectionContext(self): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailPOP3Service getCurrentConnectionContext" return self.connectioncontext class PyMailServiceProvider(unohelper.Base, XMailServiceProvider): def __init__( self, ctx ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailServiceProvider init" self.ctx = ctx def create(self, aType): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailServiceProvider create with", aType if aType == SMTP: return PyMailSMTPService(self.ctx); elif aType == POP3: return PyMailPOP3Service(self.ctx); elif aType == IMAP: return PyMailIMAPService(self.ctx); else: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailServiceProvider, unknown TYPE", aType class PyMailMessage(unohelper.Base, XMailMessage): def __init__( self, ctx, sTo='', sFrom='', Subject='', Body=None, aMailAttachment=None ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage init" self.ctx = ctx self.recipients = sTo, self.ccrecipients = () self.bccrecipients = () self.aMailAttachments = () if aMailAttachment != None: self.aMailAttachments = aMailAttachment, self.SenderName, self.SenderAddress = parseaddr(sFrom) self.ReplyToAddress = sFrom self.Subject = Subject self.Body = Body if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "post PyMailMessage init" def addRecipient( self, recipient ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.addRecipient", recipient self.recipients = self.recipients, recipient def addCcRecipient( self, ccrecipient ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.addCcRecipient", ccrecipient self.ccrecipients = self.ccrecipients, ccrecipient def addBccRecipient( self, bccrecipient ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.addBccRecipient", bccrecipient self.bccrecipients = self.bccrecipients, bccrecipient def getRecipients( self ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.getRecipients", self.recipients return self.recipients def getCcRecipients( self ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.getCcRecipients", self.ccrecipients return self.ccrecipients def getBccRecipients( self ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.getBccRecipients", self.bccrecipients return self.bccrecipients def addAttachment( self, aMailAttachment ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.addAttachment" self.aMailAttachments = self.aMailAttachments, aMailAttachment def getAttachments( self ): if dbg: print >> sys.stderr, "PyMailMessage.getAttachments" return self.aMailAttachments # pythonloader looks for a static g_ImplementationHelper variable g_ImplementationHelper = unohelper.ImplementationHelper() g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \ PyMailServiceProvider, "org.openoffice.pyuno.MailServiceProvider", ("com.sun.star.mail.MailServiceProvider",),) g_ImplementationHelper.addImplementation( \ PyMailMessage, "org.openoffice.pyuno.MailMessage", ("com.sun.star.mail.MailMessage",),)
# -*- encoding: iso-8859-15 -*- # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of # the following license # # - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Laurent Godard <lgodard@indesko.com> # All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # #************************************************************************* #prepare pythoin environnement - Add the path of this class from os import path from sys import modules from sys import path as syspath #print modules #the_path = path.dirname (path.abspath (modules["__main__"].__file__)) #print the_path #print syspath #pyUNO program itself import uno, unohelper # UNO GUI toolkit from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import TOP, SIMPLE from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import STANDARD as standard from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import OK as ok from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import CANCEL as cancel from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import HELP as help from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import CENTER as center from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import LEFT as left from com.sun.star.awt.TextAlign import RIGHT as right # used UNO listeners from com.sun.star.awt import XActionListener class MsgBox(unohelper.Base): """Inspect UNO object, link to sdk and recusrsive calls""" def __init__(self, aContext): """acontext : a Valid UNO context """ self.VERSION = '0.1' self.ctx = aContext self.smgr = aContext.ServiceManager # UI Dialog object self.dialog=None # List of openned Listeners self.lst_listeners={} #UI parameters self.ButtonSize = 50 self.boxSize = 200 self.lineHeight = 10 self.fromBroxSize = False self.numberOfLines = -1 self.Buttons = [] self.Response = '' return ##################################################### # GUI definition # ##################################################### def _createBox(self): """Create the Box""" #computes parameters of the message dialog if self.numberOfLines == -1: #calculate numberOfLines = len(self.message.split(chr(10))) else: numberOfLines = self.numberOfLines numberOfButtons = len(self.Buttons)#2 self.ButtonSpace = self.ButtonSize/2 if self.fromBroxSize: #button size is calculated from boxsize size = (2 * self.boxSize) / (3 * numberOfButtons + 1) self.ButtonSize = size self.ButtonSpace = self.ButtonSize/2 else: #boxsize i calculated form buttonsize self.boxSize = numberOfButtons * (self.ButtonSize + self.ButtonSpace) + self.ButtonSpace #create the dialog model and set the properties dialog_model = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext( 'com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialogModel', self.ctx) dialog_model.PositionX = 50 dialog_model.Step = 1 dialog_model.TabIndex = 7 dialog_model.Width = self.boxSize#numberOfButtons * (self.ButtonSize + # self.ButtonSpace) + 25 dialog_model.Height = 10 + self.lineHeight * numberOfLines + 10 + 12 + 10 dialog_model.PositionY = 63 dialog_model.Sizeable = True dialog_model.Closeable = False dialog = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext( 'com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlDialog', self.ctx) # label Label0 label = dialog_model.createInstance( 'com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlFixedTextModel') label.PositionX = 10 label.TabIndex = 9 label.Width = dialog_model.Width - label.PositionX label.Height = self.lineHeight* numberOfLines label.PositionY = 10 label.Align = left label.MultiLine = True label.Label = self.message dialog_model.insertByName('Label0', label) nb = 0 for buttonName in self.Buttons: nb +=1 button = dialog_model.createInstance( 'com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlButtonModel') button.PositionX = nb * self.ButtonSpace + (nb-1)* self.ButtonSize button.TabIndex = 8 button.Height = 12 button.Width = self.ButtonSize button.PositionY = 10 + label.Height + 10 button.PushButtonType = standard if nb == 1: button.DefaultButton = True else: button.DefaultButton = False button.Label = buttonName dialog_model.insertByName('Btn' + str(nb), button ) if not dialog.getModel(): dialog.setModel(dialog_model) #UNO toolkit definition toolkit = self.smgr.createInstanceWithContext( 'com.sun.star.awt.Toolkit', self.ctx) a_rect = uno.createUnoStruct( 'com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle' ) a_rect.X = 50 dialog.setTitle ( self.title ) a_rect.Width = 270 a_rect.Height = 261 a_rect.Y = 63 win_descriptor = uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.WindowDescriptor') win_descriptor.Type = TOP win_descriptor.ParentIndex = -1 win_descriptor.Bounds = a_rect peer = toolkit.createWindow( win_descriptor ) dialog.createPeer( toolkit, peer ) return dialog # ########################## def _addListeners(self): """Add listeners to dialog""" nb = 0 for buttonName in self.Buttons: nb +=1 a_control = self.dialog.getControl('Btn'+str(nb)) the_listener = ButtonListener(self) a_control.addActionListener(the_listener) self.lst_listeners['Btn'+str(nb)] = the_listener return # ########################### def _removeListeners(self): """ remove listeners on exiting""" nb = 0 for buttonName in self.Buttons: nb +=1 a_control = self.dialog.getControl('Btn'+str(nb)) a_control.removeActionListener(self.lst_listeners['Btn'+str(nb)]) return # ########################### def show(self, message, decoration, title): self.message = message self.decoration = decoration self.title = title # Create GUI self.dialog = self._createBox() self._addListeners() #execute the dialog --> blocking call self.dialog.execute() #end --> release listeners and dispose dialog self._removeListeners() self.dialog.dispose() return self.Response def addButton(self, caption): self.Buttons.append(caption) return def renderFromBoxSize(self, size = 150): self.boxSize = size self.fromBroxSize = True return def renderFromButtonSize(self, size = 50): self.ButtonSize = size self.fromBroxSize = False return class ButtonListener(unohelper.Base, XActionListener): """Stops the MessageBox, sets the button label as returned value""" def __init__(self, caller): self.caller = caller def disposing(self, eventObject): pass def actionPerformed(self, actionEvent): button = actionEvent.Source self.caller.Response = button.Model.Label self.caller.dialog.endExecute() return ### TEST if __name__ == '__main__': # get the uno component context from the PyUNO runtime localContext = uno.getComponentContext() # create the UnoUrlResolver resolver = localContext.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext( "com.sun.star.bridge.UnoUrlResolver", localContext ) # connect to the running office # OOo has to be launched in listen mode as # ./soffice "-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;" ctx = resolver.resolve( "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext" ) myBox = MsgBox(ctx) myBox.addButton("Oui") myBox.addButton("Non") myBox.addButton("Peut-Etre") myBox.renderFromBoxSize(150) myBox.numberOflines = 2 print myBox.show("Un message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligneUn message sur une ligne" + chr(10)+chr(10)+"�tes-vous d'accord ?",0,"Titre de la boite") myBox = MsgBox(ctx) myBox.addButton("oK") myBox.renderFromButtonSize() myBox.numberOflines = 2 print myBox.show("Un message sur une ligne",0,"Titre de la boite")