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Hi Timo,

On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 02:22 +0200, Timo wrote:
Is there a way to test the pythonfile within office? At the moment each
time i kill soffice, restart writer and click

        So - after a bit more digging; I got to here:

class MessageBox:
    def __init__(self, XParentWindow):
            if XParentWindow is None:
                frame = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop().getCurrentFrame()
                XParentWindow = frame.getContainerWindow()
            self.Parent = XParentWindow
            self.Toolkit = XParentWindow.getToolkit()
            raise AttributeError, 'Did not get a valid parent window'

    def msgbox(self, message='', flag=0, title=''):
        '''Wrapper for'''
        rect = uno.createUnoStruct('')
        dlg = self.Toolkit.createMessageBox(self.Parent, rect, "errorbox", 1, title, message)

        Which at least works for me, though I couldn't see why the set of constants wouldn't work nicely
for me.

        When I whack that into my system's and add:

    box = MessageBox(None)
    box.msgbox ("What is this ?")

        to createTable() - I get a nice message-box first :-) I bound running
that macro to F4 to make it quicker to loop iterate / check the code
        The UNO API is pretty fearsome to use, it can help to read the
interface comments in offapi/ but it is not for the faint hearted,
clearly :-)

        I guess, seeing how broken the C++ side is - with helpful comments

        OSL_FAIL("create error message");

        that simply don't create an error message, or do anything useful -
perhaps a chunk of the work needed is on the C++ side anyway.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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