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Christina Roßmanith wrote:
        // the following code is commented out since for now there
is still no completely correct way to detect
        // whether the office can be terminated, so it is better to
have unnecessary process running than
        // to loose any data

My take - remove the code, leave a comment along the lines of
"TODO: xDesktop->terminate() call missing here, since detection of
whether we can terminate LibO is fragile"

        // The following optimization does not make much sence
currently just because
        // only one aspect is supported, and only three formats for
the aspect are supported
        // and moreover it is not guarantied that the once returned
format will be supported further
        // example - i52106
        // TODO/LATER: bring the optimization back when other
aspects are supported

Same - condense comment a bit, something like "TODO: optimization
missing, see i52106 for details - see git history for an attempt"

Does embeddedobj/test/Container1/ belong to a unit
test? And is the code of method execute() commented out to prevent
the test to fail? What about commented code in <module>/test
directories in general? Keep it because it shall be re-enabled some

Yes, that seems to be a complex test - I'd keep it for the while,


-- Thorsten

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