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On Wed, 2011-02-23 at 19:57 +0100, Dietmar wrote:
Here you are: 

So, the code has changed a good lot since the original OOo bug was
reported. But looking through the current call of GetText in
dropdownboxtoolbarcontroller.cxx as far as I can tell m_pListBoxControl
wraps a vcl ListBox which inherits from vcl Control which inherits from
vcl Window and nothing under that hierarchy from Window downwards
overrides GetText and the code looks like it wants to return the text of
the menu entry. 

So its doesn't seem to make sense to call GetText here as that would
likely always return an empty string in these circumstances.
GetSelectEntry on the other hand would do something seemingly sensible,
i.e. the actual text of the menu entry. There are however some other
GetText calls in similar file nearby, so if you could attach a test case
to the bug as well that would be great.

Tentatively pushed in the meantime.



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