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Chynte wrote:
1. For generating a ToC I need to store somewhere, if the title
shouldappear in the ToC or not.
Where can I store this information?I found the "Description" and the
"Name" tags I could use but I fear, thatthis will interact with
other software also using these tags...

I'd use Description first, and maybe later try alien attributes - though currently not sure
whether those really work in Impress. ;)

Where can I store the information, that a specific word should
appear inthis Index? You know I see problem with using "Description"
and "Name" tags.

Well, the main extension points for ODF are alien attributes and RDF
- support for both is kinda there in LibO, but with a bunch of rough
edges. Conversely, it's relatively trivial to add new attributes in
the core code - so you might ponder hacking the core. It's actually
fun. :)

3. Is Python/PyUNO the good choice for programming this feature in Impress?
Can you give me Pro´s and Con´s?

See above - you cannot easily extend the LibO core code. Otherwise,
for doing nice extensions, it's not a bad choice either.

4. What´s about the needed skills? Do you think, this project is
feasiblefor someone who made up to now only very small standalone
apps "just forfun" in Python?

If you're motivated to hack on that, sure - you'll learn a lot that
way, probably.


-- Thorsten

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