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On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 14:30 -0500, Kevin Hunter wrote:
Interesting.  From a different background, I worry about _all_ input.  I 
don't know the API or internals well enough to say one way or the other, 
but there's no (mild) security concern here?  Like giving a potentially 
unsanitized string to GTK, or in the replacement routines of OString?
Oh sure, feel free to add some hardening around it, e.g. checking
HasError, but instead of return 0 and skipping the showing of the
overwrite dialog and aborting the save as, instead fallback to the old
generic overwrite dialog text.

In any event, I've done as you suggested.  How does this round of the 
patch work?
Looks good to me, pushed.



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