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On 4 February 2011 22:25, Steven Butler <> wrote:
I ended up reenabling graphite and setting the stdext to be std, and
commenting out the namespace alias.

I'm getting a lot further into the build now, but have encountered a
problem with what looks like dotnet bindings?

I keep getting climaker.exe has stopped working popups.

And after a while of dismissing these, saxparser goes into an infinite loop.

This is in the cli_ure module.

Does anyone have any ideas... I've had enough for tonight.

Entering /home/Steve/libre/libo/cli_ure/unotypes

: &&     PATH=${PATH+${PATH}:}/home/Steve/libre/libo/solver/330/
n ../  \
        --out ../ \
        --keyfile ../ \
        --assembly-version \
        --assembly-description "This assembly contains metadata for the StarOffi
ce/ API." \
        --assembly-company "" \

error: .NET exception occurred: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to
read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is
   at cppu.bootstrap_InitialComponentContext(Reference<com::sun::star::uno::XCom
ponentContext>* , Reference<com::sun::star::registry::XSimpleRegistry>* , OUStri
ng* )
   at ?A0x04292f9a.sal_main()
dying abnormally...
Steven Butler


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