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On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 10:50 -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Here, you've changed the semantics of the code.  I've fixed that to
push_back(nTab+i) which is probably what we need to do here.
Sorry. My bad.

Your second patch is pretty small & reasonable.  It should be okay as
the only other places where SvShorts is used is in binfilter, and
binfilter itself contains its own SvShorts declaration.
Completely missed that. I don't usually build binfilter as it isn't
built by default (I think).

Also, binfilter doesn't appear to be indexed by the OpenGrok search
tool. Which seems odd (and is the main reason I missed it).

Looking at it now, binfilter seems to have almost a complete duplicate
of all the svarray stuff. Do we know why it doesn't use the "standard"


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