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On 1/25/11 10:13 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 25/01/11 08:24, Jonathan Aquilina a écrit :

Hi Jonathan,

Correct me if I am wrong but wont LO be a little screwed since LO only
supports X from what I have seen codewise?
That was precisely my point : applications have to be rewritten to work
with Wayland. At least LibreOffice won't be the only application
concerned, which is some consolation !!

The distros are choosing whether to include Wayland as a default
replacement for X - as far as I understand, Mark Shuttleworth has
allegedly indicated that he would like Wayland to appear in Ubuntu
sometime in 2012, possibly even earlier. Food for thought at least.


LibreOffice mailing list
From the impression i have seen on that link they want it released for 11.04


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