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Hi Joost, all!

Thanks for your work! I'd like to help, but I rely on your help to
understand how currently looks once it is compiled ... :-) So please
bear with me.

Am Mittwoch, den 05.01.2011, 21:57 +0100 schrieb Joost Eekhoorn:

Sorry that I used the background color directly. I just do not known
jet how to use themes.

Is there a theme for displaying a warning label in a dialog?

I'm not aware of such a theme or specification. I've seen that there is
something similar if certain settings (Tools -- Options) are locked down
by an administrator. Maybe something to get some inspiration?

The color of the warning was inspired by the spec:

Oh, this is not even a spec at the moment - it is work in progress, and
the colors have been proposals by Stella.

As the others already (implicitely?) mentioned, there is no consistent
way to handle that in LibreOffice. We might work on that, if you like.
But in the meantime I'd like to propose a rather conservative handling,
if we miss the "applies to other problems as well" solution.

Where can I find the specs for the UI and UX for LibreOffice?

Sorry, I had to smile ... It's great that you are asking for the specs,
but this young project doesn't offer things like that (yet). Usually, I
refer to the OOo specification project ...
but this will (hopefully) change.

In the meantime, feel free to ping the Design Team mailing list :-)

Concerning the colors - when I've worked on the Writer Notes, I've done
some summary concerning the available colors within
Maybe this helps to derive colors that are consistent with other parts
of LibreOffice:

Blog Posting

Notes2 Design Colors

And some more ...

OOo Galaxy Colors

OOo Chart Colors

OOo Base Report Creator Colors


Best regards,

2011/1/5 Michael Meeks <>
        On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 23:03 +0100, Joost Eekhoorn wrote:
        > Thanks for making the improvements.
        > > I haven't found a way to change the color of edit box
        either, so we
        > > can leave that a future project for now.
        > Setting the background color is what I have used for the
               Soo ... in general setting manual colors that don't
        come from the theme
        is a disaster area for accessibility.
        > "aFtWarn.SetControlBackground( Color( COL_YELLOW ) );"
               There are whole schools-fulls-of users in the tropics
        that explode when
        they see the color yellow :-) [ or something like that ].
               Seriously; any color we use for highlighting (or
        whatever) should come
        from the defined colors used for the rest of the app, and thus
        from some
        sort of system theme (ideally). That way it can be changed to
        high-contrast / low-contrast etc.
               This is in part why you tend not to see yellow entries
        left/right :-)
        --  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant


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