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Hi Jerry,

On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 19:53 -0500, Jerry Shi wrote:
Hi, I'm new to opensource, so tell me if I'm asking very stupid
questions, but,
        Your questions seem sensible, and welcome to open-source (or Free
Software ;-).

      * Where is bin/g?  I can't find it anywhere, and it seems to be
        all over the place on the wiki
        Ah - then - perhaps this can be your 1st contribution :-) We used to
use bin/g with the 'build' build method, but now we have the 'bootstrap'
build method, it should be replaced thus:

        bin/g -> g

        ie. it is in the top-level directory now.

      * The build failed, and I have no idea why.  The error's in the
        nss module, in
 and I've attached a copy of the error.  What should I do?
        Nasty ! I've seen that myself in the past; and chased it into the long
grass for a while; but I forget what fixed it. Apparently it compiles ok
for me now.

        More details wrt. your distribution, and so on would probably be most
helpful. How did you install the pre-requisite packages ?

        Anyhow - worth a try deleting the output and re-buiding it (cf. the rm
command at the end of the build failure message) , but I'm not that
optimistic; can you get on IRC so we can dig into it more ? #libreoffice
on ?



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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