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Hi John,
On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 04:22 -0700, Noel Power wrote:
Main patch makes 1/2 kLOC reduction in sbx.
yeah, so you will have to give me some time to look at this ( not really
familar with the Currently type ) and I need to somehow filter out the
whitespace changes too ( probably I can regenerated the patch to do
Nearly done with this, just need to write down some stuff in a mail etc.
I do think we need this patch but imo it deserves a feature branch as 
  a) there are some things I would like initially conditionally compile
out ) 
  b) I also made some changes [1] so I think it makes sense for me to
create the feature branch ( I will do that today )
  c) there are some issues to do with stream handling that need
addressing and at least further testing ( in fact I am not even sure
that some of this stuff is needed anymore... but that is another story )

So, again thanks for this patch I do think it is useful and improves
some very sadly broken functionality. Anyway I will have more detailed
comments for you later, be a little more patient with me :-)


[1] - one change I made was in ImpCurrencyToString where I wanted to use
existing code to build the string ( hehe I just noticed that I
completely broke handling of negative numbers )
Also, it's entirely possible that I even added more bugs ( my head
started to hurt with this patch.. very niggledy ) but your test document
results at least are the same after my changes ( your good test document
did catch some horrific error that I made too :-) )


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