On 05/12/10 20:40, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Sun, 2010-12-05 at 17:24 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:
Yup. findhome found the right place (or I assume it did).
Yeah, so what I'd like to see is that findhome (or something like it) is
the normal way to get the jdk home when one is not set via the
--with-jdk-home. And if that fails for some reason then fall back to the
"get the path to java and cut bits off it and hope for the best" route
rather than trying that first.
IIRC I tried this before, and there was some cockup under MacOSX, so if
someone on MacOSX could see what findhome says and if its correct/wrong
vs what works correctly there, that'd be helpful.
It's the MacOS test that's messing up gentoo ...!
So what someone (me? you?) might do is just put the findhome test in
regardless, or put it at the start with a wrapper "if OS != mac".
I'd actually rather it tried "whereis" first, but I don't think that's
always there, and my sed-awk-whatsit-fu isn't up to that...
anthony@ashdown ~/gitstuff/lotest $ whereis javac
javac: /usr/bin/javac /opt/icedtea6-bin-1.9.1/bin/javac
anthony@ashdown ~/gitstuff/lotest $
It seems so simple - take the last entry and strip the last two bits off
- bet there's a snag ...
Let's wait til tomorrow night to see if anyone on a mac bites, and if
they don't we can try and do this and get it in the build.
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