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Hi Ace,

On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 23:56 +0000, Andrew C. E. Dent wrote:
Firstly - thanks for tackling this 'feature'. Great stuff! Really
excited about seeing this in a future release.
I have a few points to make, but will try to be brief:

        And thanks for your input too :-) I tend to agree that the mask color
is an unfortunate anachornism, and a glogal removal would be a
worthwhile project - can we spec. up an Easy Hack to build a list of all
places it is used, and start going through them removing them :-)

        I liked all your suggestions except:

ooo_custom_images/hicontrast). If this is the case, it might be wise
to package the hicontrast theme (internally) as a tar archive

        Well - as you know, git compresses things rather well; unfortunately it
can't compress things in archives ;-) so - if we simply move these into
place, git will detect the movements and only store the artwork once -
better, if the icons change, as we merge it will update the files in the
new locations ;-)

        If by contrast we tar them up, we end up with a big, un-workable binary
blob, that is then further attempted to be compressed: so we just bloat
our git repo un-necessarily.

        I suggest we stick with an un-compressed icon set fo hicontrast.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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