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Hi *.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Thorsten Behrens
<> wrote:
If you need additional info from the reporter, Kendy suggested this:

----- 8< -----
I'd prefer aliases like "reporter" (missing info from reporter) or
"dev" (missing input from other developer) or "triage" (request for
info by triage team, confirmation with other OS and the like)

 * list of assignees is too small - we'd need more subject area
Along that line - would it be possible to create corresponding
Components with appropriate default owner than having the reporter to
look it up (maybe along with a "I'm not sure what to pick" style
The current list of subject areas seems sufficiently high-level for that.

wrt needmoreinfo clearing - I guess it isn't possible to extend
bugzilla on fdo to prompt the user with an "I supplied all requested
information" checkbox when commenting? I know I saw something like
that aleady in other bugzillas, don't remember whether it was on
Mandriva's or Gnome's or some other one.




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