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On 11/8/10, Noel Power <> wrote:
On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 12:33 -0600, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 7:00 AM, julien <> wrote:
Ahh, welcome to the wonderful world of operator overload.
= is not a right shift but instead, here, nMapWith get populated with
the property (uno) value, converted to a int32.
and the if() can only be true if that value is not 0
so here you have a false positive.

Are you sure? iirc
bool operator >>= ( Any& theAny, SomeType& something ) // probably the
wrong signature but you know what I mean

returns true if it was able to successfully extract the value from the
'theAny' into 'something' so there is a possibility of a runtime divide
by zero ( and probably should be defensively coded around )

humm... yes you are right.




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