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I excepted also a call to a central lib to do the conversion.
I see also that the code is not POSIX complient, because there is not
distinguise between "en_US" and "en_GB", it has only "en". ("Like an English
man in New York", String)
I also apply the macro on many error messages in English. Where does the
translation to the local error messages happen? I do not see a tr-macro or
something like that, as in Qt4.


2010/11/2 Caolán McNamara <>

On Mon, 2010-11-01 at 22:27 -0400, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
Hello Joost,

Thanks for the patch.  Just pushed to the master branch. :-)

Nothing to do with the patch, but I see a ConvertCountryCode which,
depending on what it does, might be a candidate to be moved into
i18npool/source/isolang beside the rest of the code that handles
conversion to/from iso language names.


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