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[comments inline - what i think - please correct me if i am wrong]

I would like to help the bug triage process and reading the how-to,
Thank you!
I've some questions :
- you wrote "If its higher priority issue (broken parts, regression,
etc), assign it to one of the developers listed on the Find The
Experts page"
-> so if it's not a higher priority issue, I just add the info that I
was able to reproduce and confirm it to the bug but I don't assign it
to an expert?
If you are able to reproduce and confirm, please do go ahead and assign
it to one of the developers listed on the page. [The intention was to
avoid lower.priority-and-unconfirmed issues to be assigned to the
experts - it might take expert's time just to test-moreinfo-... cycle]
-> who is our expert for Base? far as I know: nobody as of now, Any volunteers?

Thanks again!
Muthu Subramanian


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