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Hi there,

On Sun, 2010-10-31 at 02:31 +0530, wrote:
There were few issues
        Grief - I hope we can solve these with auto-detection etc. in master
post branch. It would be worth adding your fixes to the wiki if you can
maintain that - to help other Ubuntu-ites :-)

But when I try to run make dev-install again in the rawbuild
directory, it could not do so because of these errors - Figured out from the
ooinstall perl script that script dies if it could not copy. There is
no check if the file or symlink already exists.
        Ok - well, that is a great bug to fix in the perl script itself ;-)
it'd be lovely to have 'make_install' work again. IMHO we should unlink
before we copy - so we don't tread through symlinks by mistake.

So is the rawbuild directory meant only for first time builds ? if so
how to do successive builds ? Please do point me to any wiki pages if
these are already answered there.
        So - basically 'linkoo' should be run - which creates a symlink tree to
the build directories, so then you only have to run 'build' inside the
module you are hacking in, and automagically the install set is updated
(by the power of symlinks).

        So - hopefully you're all good for incremental builds :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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