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I was going to patch it to do a 'tar --same-owner' instead,

Hmm, you mean --no-same-owner?

but since
I'm not the first person to hit this, was wondering what the official
work-around is?

This is mostly a guess, but are you running the build as Administrator (you shouldn't), or does 
Cygwin for some other reason (broken Cygwin /etc/passwd file?) think you are root (in the Cygwin 
sense)? Check what the Cygwin "id" command outputs. It should say that you are a "normal" non-root 

If Cygwin claims you are root even if you aren't Administrator, or member of the Administrators 
group, the Cygwin /etc/passwd and/or /etc/group files might be broken. Repair with mkpasswd and 

tar: extras/source/gallery/htmlexpo/grey-plus.png: Cannot change
ownership to uid 1000, gid 1000: Invalid argument

This comes from tar thinking you are root and thus tar wants to chown the files to the uids/gids in 
the tar archive. (When run as a normal user, tar doesn't do that.)

Please tell us if any of the above was helpful...



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