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On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:12:24AM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
 /* the macro OSL_LOG_PREFIX is intended to be an office internal macro
for now */
"; "
__LINE__ ), "; ")

      If this code is actually going to be compiled in a lot of places, there
is probably some benefit to thinking this through carefully - pwrt.
issues of code size.
Why do you think this affects code size?

      Also; I can't see this code:


      compiling with all those ',' in there - except that of course the comma
operator will be compiled in and we will get it to evaluate only to a ";
" at the end ;-) so this turns into:

#define OSL_LOG_PREFIX " ;"

      ;-) probably not what we want.
At least that last definitely won't happen, since I added parentheses
around the whole right hand side of the macro. And the code did
compile for me, but since there probably are other compilers used on
this code, I asked for more testing :)

      If these things are not string constants that we can concatenate, then
we need to find another compiler built-in that is a string constant that
we can use, I don't see another way here really. Glib has things like

/* Provide a string identifying the current code position */
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3) && !defined(__cplusplus)
#  define G_STRLOC    __FILE__ ":" G_STRINGIFY (__LINE__) ":" __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ "()"
#  define G_STRLOC    __FILE__ ":" G_STRINGIFY (__LINE__)
I don't imagine we're much interested in gcc2 nowadays, so this really
is just
        #  define G_STRLOC      __FILE__ ":" G_STRINGIFY (__LINE__)

#if defined (__GNUC__)
#  define G_STRFUNC     ((const char*) (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__))
#elif defined (__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 19901L
#  define G_STRFUNC     ((const char*) (__func__))
#  define G_STRFUNC     ((const char*) ("???"))
That's perhaps a good replacement for the issue Tor mentioned in his
email on this subject. It should have a case for _MSC_VER though.



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