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Hi Michael,

I am happy to help out,
for now I'll be roaming about the code for a while see if there's something
I can do.
I think I will focus my efforts around the Calc part, though it might be a
crowded there :)

Also in accordance to the time I have available to me.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Michael Meeks <>wrote:

Hi Rene,

On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 19:05 +0200, René Kjellerup wrote:
I've looked through the calc's chart2 source and translated and spell
corrected a few comments in the view code
        Cool - nice work thanks for that; I pushed it.

in the ChartItemPool I've added the use of SAL_N_ELEMENTS(array) too
        Yep; the slight issue here though is that we need to re-arrange the
code a bit. Your changes would work, but only if SCH_ATTR_START == 0 -
since the range is offset otherwise. It would work if we had:

-    for( i = SCHATTR_START; i <= SCHATTR_END; i++ )
+    for( i = 0; i <= SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pItemInfos); i++ )
-        pItemInfos[i - SCHATTR_START]._nSID = 0;
+        pItemInfos[i]._nSID = 0;

yeah that's true... and the same again in the destructor, I'll have a look
into it

       etc. ;-) it could perhaps be re-factored like that if you want, but
prolly best to compile/test it.

       Anyhow - thanks for your work ! looking forward to what you work on
next - is there any area of LibreOffice you're particularly interested
in contributing to ?

       All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

best wishes
-- as life grows older, I gain experience.


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