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On Mon, 2010-10-11 at 14:44 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Noel Power wrote:
who should update
but, should it be updated ?
This is an excellent question ( and one I have asked myself about a
different situation ) Unfortunately I don't have the answer. As I see it
issuezilla is Oracles bug reporting infrastructure ( and not the
communities ) Also updating the issue to say it is fixed in Libreoffice
may not be the best approach ( may be construed as some dirty tricks
campaign ) I think though it would be really cool for people to see the
ignored ( for years in some cases ) bugs are finally getting some
attention with LibreOffice etc.

A brief hint in the bug that this is fixed in LibO is perfectly ok, 
I think. I don't care so much about Oracle feelings, than for the
users. And for them, this would be clearly helpful.
For patch submissions to the legacy project that didn't get integrated
there, but got integrated here there's the other possibility of a direct
mail to the submitter email address as well of course.



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