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Present:        Thorsten, Caolan, Rene, Michael
Invited:        Petr, Fridrich, David, Kendy

* previous actions
        + all completed

* adding emacs/vi formatting comments to files
        + agreed; at top of header
AA:     + add to easy-hacks list & do in a week if not done (Thorsten)

* enable --maintainer-mode
AA:     + yes, but only for (Michael)

* MySQL client license awfulness (FOSS exception)
        + problems mostly with poorly licensed extension => not bundle it ?

* gtk3 work
        + gtk+ undergoing massive changes still, new themeing system etc.
AA:     + drop it in a feature branch to keep an eye on (Caolan)
AA:     + add how-to for feature branch creation/merge to wiki (Kendy)
AA:     + poke gtk+ team on main-loop / mutex integration (Michael)

        + decided to continue merging patches until 30th October

* master open for commits feedback
        + Rene - happy enough, despite teething troubles with patches
        + Fridrich - impressed with improvements in buildability
        + continue as-is until end October

* next beta builds
        + Petr tagging / up-loading source
                + build over weekend / due early next week
        + Fridrich - working on Mac / PPC machine setup
        + Thorsten - will get to Mac / Intel builds

* should we intensively test -Beta- binaries before releasing
        + preferably testtool usage is continuous process on master
        + decision to release early, and if problems, release again, etc.

* tinderboxen
        + couple of prototypes in-place
        + Kendy's already mailing people on breakage
AA:             + mails should CC every committer in interval
                + mails should report the interval helpfully.
        + more tinderboxes appreciated

* pending patches
        + some nice-to-have pending chunks:
                + Linux quick starter (Kendy)
                + LWP filter (Michael)
                + better Evolution addressbook (Caolan)
                + VBA fixes (from Noel)
                + valgrind-alloc - tweaked (Michael)
                + Netbook / small-screen fixes ? (Rodo)
        + only seven RedHat patches left.
* coding style
        + no huge cleanups planned
        + incrementally build good guidelines for new code
        + punt further thought until next year

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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