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Hi MArco,

On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 09:07 -0500, Marco ''AlpVonKri'' Flores wrote:
Thanks to all for your advices, I solved the problem thanks to your
help, I found that I was compiling for KDE 4 and KDE 3, so this is how
the problem was solved:
        Ah - ok :-)

And now I have this other error after all previously mentioned:
Any ideas?
Finishing the mono installation...
Failure adding assembly /opt/libreoffice/ure/lib/cli_basetypes.dll to
the cache: gac directories could not be create, possibly permission

        This looks like a message from bin/ooinstall ? after a full compile,
and a functioning install :-)

        If so - whoot ! it worked for you; the mono related error is down to us
not enabling mono support; and is just irrelevant.

        You should have a functioning install you can play with - great
news :-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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