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Present: Mihai, Eyal, Bogdan, John, Daraar, Sahil, Heiko


 * Restricted editing: highlight regions I can edit
   + curious how this works (Eyal)
   + highlighting sounds good but question is whether for
     the r/o part or r/w (Heiko)
     + would prefer/expect some kind of disabled appearance (Heiko)
   + highlighting might clash with other styling (Eyal)
     + prefer some information only rather than inline feedback (Eyal)
   => comment

 * LO currently has "Right" & "Left" tabs - but they're really
   "From Start due Start" and "From Start due End"
   + rename Left to From Start and Right to From End (Eyal)
   + ideally add more options and have left, from start, right, and
     from end (Eyal)
   + would prefer to keep the names but switch from left to right
     if the text direction changes - also because we change the
     indicator anyway (Heiko)
   + wonder how other applications work (John)
     + MSO exchanges the labels left/right
     + charming solution (Heiko)
   + expect consistent alignment and left to remain left even if
     LTR becomes RT (Eyal)
   => comment

 * Support easy insertion of idiomatic presentation title+subtitle
   + like PP we should start with a title slide that has a placeholder
     text for title / subtitle (Eyal, Bogdan)
   + templates or customization of layouts as solution? (Sahil)
     + master/layout are unrelated; customization not a solution
      for the first slide issue (Eyal)
   + we have a "Subtitle" presentation style (Mihai)
   => comment

 * Pivot Table dialog window resizes beyond monitor screen height
   when expanding the "Options" or "Source and Destination" expanders
   + named range and selection could be placed in one line (Sahil)
   + scrolled window behind the options maybe (Heiko)
   + dialog is resized right now when options become expanded (Eyal)
   + move options and source/destination into extra tabs (Eyal)
     + additional tab is inconvenient (Sahil)
   + options could use a three column layout (Sahil)
   => comment

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