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Present: Sahil, Mihai, Heiko
Comments: Dieter, Roman, Mike, Eyal


 * Comments ignore spacing above first paragraph and below last paragraph
   + inconsistent but saving precious space, WF (Dieter)
   + ordinary bug (Eyal)
   + wouldn't expect the top line to adopt spacing, and in fact
     it doesn't happen for text boxes as well (Sahil)
     + unclear why the first paragraph must not have spacing (Heiko)
   + alternatively introduce an option for the comment box to have
     some margin (Sahil)
     + not so sure this is covered by ODF (Heiko)
   + MSO uses plain text with no styling for comments and we could
     do the same (Sahil)
     + comment style was introduced for 24.2 in bug 103064
   => keep ticket, involve Maxim

 * Hide "save as" formats you never use
   + depends on the user (Eyal)
   + not a big deal, just a few items in the list (Heiko, Sahil)
   + perhaps add a flag, if needed, so users can eventually toggle
     to show per extension (Heiko)
   => discuss with ESC

 * Writer: Add prepared models of different Table of Contents (ToC)
   + like the idea (Roman)
   + would be orthogonal to our flexibility-focused approach;
     we have dedicated paragraph styles and would need to either modify
     those on the fly, preventing user modifications, or need to ship
     multiple variants (Heiko)
   + document styles would do the trick - but again on cost of
     overwritten modifications (Heiko)
   + current workflow is quite complex & we may defer this to
     an extension maybe (Sahil)
   => comment

 * add an "Edit List Style" command to Text | List context menu,
   and  Bullets and Numbering dialog should not modify List Styles
   + mockup attached (Heiko)
   + welcome splitting the current dialog somehow (Mike)
   + B&N dialog has been reworked for bug 120905
   + suggest to resolve WFM, but can live with NEW (Heiko)
   => new, will look into it (Sahil)

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