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Present: Vivek, Eyal, Sahil, John, Heiko
Comments: Bogdan, Stuart, Oliver, Mike


 * Remove context-menu option for deleting all comments
   + same for ctrl+a + del or delete table (Bogdan)
   + undo is a click away (Heiko)
   + Delete All Comments is easier to reach than the examples (Eyal)
   + however, deleting all comments has an obvious effect (Eyal)
   + generic confirmation that can be customized by user (Sahil)
   + move delete* into a submenu (Eyal)
   + go with a confirmation dialog but add a checkbox "[x] Do show
     again"; would be only a solution if the use case is accepted (Heiko)
   + ask the OP for a scenario where this has happened (Eyal)
   => do this

 * Tools -> Customize -> Keyboard: window lacks "Apply"-button
   + rather fix duplicate bug 16444 (Heiko)
   + another "Apply" button occupies a lot of space and would be
     weird anyway since one needs to click it before changing
     the scope option (Heiko)
   + see also tickets: Bug 66298 and/or Bug 115021
   + why not apply immediately (Eyal)
   + other dialogs with okay/reset etc. don't do it (Sahil)
   + accept the inconsistency until the dialog receives a revamp (Heiko)
   + changes at the toolbar section are applied immediately (Eyal)
   => do it immediately

 * Add a Global Default Zoom Setting for All Documents
   + unclear use case (Heiko), maybe a11y (Stuart)
   + unclear how a default would come into play with the last
     zoom level and the document zoom (Heiko)
   + a11y solutions are done on the OS level, eg. Scale (Heiko)
   + makes no sense to have one zoom across modules (Oliver)
   => resolve WF

 * [META] RTL, CTL, CJK users are failing to enable full RTL-CTL/CJK support
   + unclear scenario (Mike)
   + new installation/user wont know about Tools > Options > Languages >
     CTL/CJK and miss some support for their language (Eyal)
   + changing the locale affects the CTL/CJK option below (Heiko)
   + we should provide a first-start dialog with the most relevant
     options (John)
   + possible solutions: enable CTL/CJK by default, heuristics during
     installation what to switch on, infobar on first time RTL content
     is being entered, first-start/install advertisement
   + tip of the day (Heiko); rejected (Eyal)
   + guided tour of the UI showing goodies and allowing to pick options (Sahil)
   + META-tickets cannot be solved per se (Heiko)
 * Actively suggest enabling RTL/CTL (resp. CJK) when first editing
   RTL/CTL (resp. CJK) content
   => comment here

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