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Hi Manuel,

you cannot send attachments to mailing lists, please use a link to some file sharing service.
Besides, when it comes to a certain workflow it is very recommendable to 
describe a use case. Something like "I want to achieve <foo> by doing <bar>. But 
the fact <baz> blocks trying <qux>." I translate "you need to press the gear 
icon" into "Changing the font color involves too many steps" - which I cannot 
follow (keep in mind that a single click does apply directly).
Best regards,

PS: Eyal replied with a recommendation to use Bugzilla (without CC to this list). No objection but as long we discuss a topic or this list feels more correct. The bugtracker should not become a discussion forum ;-).
On 14.12.24 7:31 PM, Manuel Lison wrote:
Hi Hello

  I am Manuel and I am new on the design team in LibreOffice, and I want to
share something that I have seen in the new version of libreoffice which is (specially this happens on LibreDraw and I haven't seen in other
programs in LibreOffice.

This is about changing the font color in LibreOffice that you need to do it
just pressing the small gear icon, then another screen appears and you can
change the color. Just take a look to the screen I added on this email
(check the red arrows).

I was wondering if near the future of the design LibreOffice may be adding
that option in the screen where libredraw (I mean the screen that is on the
right where there is a red arrow with a question mark).

This something that I have seen and I don't know what other people would
think about it. Any feedback, then It would be appreciated.

And thanks so much to add me to the Design team in LibreOffice.

Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
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