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Hello Manuel,

you are very much welcome at LibreOffice design. Check for how to get in contact. For a quick chat, many people are on IRC/Telegram/Matrix (all bridged). But it is also fine to just report your idea on Bugzilla, see for further information. And of course it wont be a problem to send a message to this mailing list.
Looking forward your ideas,

On 06.12.24 3:40 PM, Manuel Lison wrote:
Hi Hello

I would like to help for the future design development, I have seen
something myself using LibreDraw and I just want to meet my suggestions, it
has to be with the Libredraw and font color change which seem a little bit
difficult to change color and thanks so much to join me the design team !.



Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail:
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