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Present: Sahil, Heiko
Comments: Stuart, Cor, Regina, Seth, Jean-Baptiste


 * Retain find/replace pairs in dropdowns and over restart
   + store with MRU in user-profile (Stuart)
   + storing with the MRU resp. per document does not make
     the terms available for new documents (Heiko)
   + reasonable request (Cor)
   + against mixing find and replace; list quickly gets too
     long (Sahil)
   + saving at the app level is better than per document (Sahil)
  => ask the OP whether to save per document or make it
     available for new; have an (expert) option to not split
     into find and replace

 * Implement the Sidebar in Math formula editor, with decks for
   format options and Greek and special symbols
   + implementation does not provide direct access to the
     properties but to the dialogs - this is not how the sidebar
     is supposed to work (Sahil, Heiko)
   => follow the suggestion in c15

 * Redesign of the Load Styles dialog
   + essential functionality, replaces bug 60589 "Can not copy styles
     between different files and templates which had highest
     importance (Jean-Baptiste)
   + issues with existing dialog: always all styles are loaded,
     lists inappropriate templates such as Drawings (Heiko)
   + functions should be available in all modules (Regina)
   + labels could be more clear (Seth)
  => attach the mockup on the ticket

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