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I actually gave up in advance on the last of the issues and marked it
RESOLVED NOTABUG before the meeting...

I should probably mention that these were all bugs I was faced with
personally while working on my presentation for this year's LibOCon, so
I could provide a relatively compelling (?) use case from my own user

Anyway, I promise to buy some you four  (Heiko, Sahel, Rafael, John),
some apple pie, at LibOCon next year :-)


On 21/11/2024 0:27, Cor Nouws wrote:
Heiko Tietze wrote on 11/20/24 21:02:
Present: Sahil, Eyal, Rafael, John, Heiko
Comments: Cor, Regina. Ilmari
Sorry I had to miss the meeting, Especially since I expect that Eyal,
who scored a full house will all bugs on the agenda, will have served a
nice apple cake or so during the meeting? ;)


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