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Present: Cor, Hossein, Heiko
Comments: Mike, Werner, Ady


 * popup info about the node  »…Office.Common … Misc…Crash Report«
   in the Expertconfig
   + rename to "enable crash reporting feature" (Mike, Werner)
   + add a tooltip in the options dialog
   => do it

 * Want toggle for clockwise/counter-clockwise slice progression
   + good idea (Cor)
   + not needed, not expected, no use case, unclear coverage by
     the standards (Heiko)
   => comment with suggestion to WF

 * Tabbar sheet movement controls (First, Next, Previous, Last) enhance
   to also move cursor focus between sheets
   + controls have always been there for controlling the tabbar (Ady)
   + definitely keep the functionality but perhaps make it
     visually more clear; for example remove first/last (Heiko)
   + go with suggestion of people who use it (Cor)
   => comment

 * Vertical Tab dialogs--Options column in Area section is not
   wide enough in paragraph style dialog
   + revert vertical tabs completely (Heiko)
     + Samuel did for bug 161351
   + for the particular dialog move the preview so it becomes
     a two-column layout (Cor)
   => comment

 * Expose OLE draw:frame draw:text-box to selectively control overwriting
   of OLE objects, e.g. an OLE Formula in Impress opened with F2
   + F2 is different between Writer (opening the formula bar) and Impress
     editing the object's text or interactively inserting a text box) (Heiko)
   + assign F2 per module (Stuart)
     + Calc .uno:SetInputMode, Draw/Impress .uno:Text,
       Writer .uno:InsertFormula, Math no assignment
   + compare to Microsoft (Hossein)
     + F2 goes into formula edit mode when the formula is in focus
       and into edit mode for a text box
   => do this

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