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Present: Sahil, Lorenz, John, Heiko
Comments: Regina, Stuart, Manu, Roman, Laurent, Regina


 * Want access from borders toolbar menubutton to Format > Cells...
   Borders pane
   + valid request, similar to many other places (Regina, Stuart, Eyal)
   + toolbar buttons should be simple and provide quick and easy
     access (Heiko)
   + could be done similar to Underline (Sahil)
   + Ribbon always offer access to more properties (Eyal)
   => go it (consider Border Style as well)

 * Need way to avoid selecting fonts which don't cover the relevant
   language Unicode range
   + comment 32: add a filter to the special character dialog
   + rather use/improve the Special Characters dialog or
     maybe extend the SCD with a font filter (Stuart)
     + such a filter could be added to the font tab (Heiko)
     + it is not the request; would not give an immediate understanding (Eyal)
     + unicode blocks not necessarily cover some font, eg. Farsi
       or diacritics in general (Eyal)
   + make live preview as known from Calc available in Writer (Manu)
     + could be done as a checkbox "[ ] Fonts covering the selection" in
       the character dialog (Heiko)
     + selection is not always present (Eyal)
     + would be actually against the use case of "I want to write a text in
       some language and don't know the right font" since text has been
       written in this case (Heiko)
   + proposing (Eyal)
     1. map languages to glyphs like English A:Z, German A:Z,ß,
        Arabic <aleph><zeta>
     2. when a language is used (UI, document, etc) the list of fonts is tagged
        as appropriate; and fonts are indicated (could be done by dimming)
        or filtered (prefer a filter)
     3. doubt hat filtering covers the use case (Heiko); corner cases such as
        multi-selections for later (Eyal)
   + expertise from local communities needed (John, Sahil, Lorenz)
   => continue the discussion on the ticket

 * Reworked localized Impress templates look ugly in RU
   + patches fix most issues except Freshes - c14, c16 (Roman, Laurent)
   + alternative could be some generic text like Alpha Beta...
     or we delete the example slide completely (Heiko)
   + but actually would keep it (Heiko)
   + localized "Some Text 1", "Some Text 2" (Sahil)
     or without the text (Lorenz)
   + localization to RTL would still be silly (Eyal)
   + some people may even not be able to read the letters (Eyal)
   + morse alphabet... ;-) (Sahil)
   + we could ship localized templates (Sahil)
   => keep as it is for now (aka WF)

 * New layouts for LO Impress
   + Handout and Notes suggestions seem useful (Stuart)
   + rather make it customizable, bug 78156 (Regina)
     + customization on top would be great but some good defaults
       are needed anyway
   + before/after needed to decide (Eyal)
   + no harm in adding more layouts (John)
   => proposals are fine and implementation is welcome

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