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Present: Heiko
Comments: Dieter, Regina, Cor, Eyal, Mathias, Ady, Ilmari


 * When a cell is protected and the language is changed for all text
   the language of that cell is changed too
   + "Do you want to change language also for protected cells?
      (Yes / No)" (Dieter)
   + could be a convenience feature too (Heiko)
   => keep as bug with low priority

 * Add simple user name change to toolbar
   + OO has a macro-tool (Regina); not working anymore (Cor)
   + reasonable request (Eyal)
   + use case to classify changes can be done per comment; in order to
     review/change a document using a pseudonym a second batch of
     user info is needed (Mathias)
   + still not convinced of identity change (Heiko)
   + if this is to be implemented it either could be done with a simple
     input field to change the name or multiple sets of user data and
     the UI to switch from one to another probably plus means to take
     over comments or TC (Heiko)
   => comment

 * Inserting new comment in Calc disables the "show all comments" setting
   + View > Comments is applying an action rather to toggle a status;
     not convinced that changing the current behavior is beneficial (Ady)
   + agree with Ady (Heiko)
   => resolve NAB

 * Option to embed audio files tied to objects with right-click interaction
   + Bug 81879 - Play sound should accept relative paths (Ilmari)
   + PowerPoint uses the <draw:plugin> element for media and does
     embed (Regina)
   + Insert > Audio or Video embed the media file but access via Interaction >
     Play Audio does not provide access to this object; "browse" opens the
     file picker, which inserts <presentation:sound xlink:href="../"...> without
     any option to embed the object; we should use the same dialog, have an
     option to hide embedded media, and make it available for the play audio
   => comment

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