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Present: Sahil, Rafael, Heiko
Comments: Eyal,


 * Add deck with choice of slide layouts to the sidebar
   + always show master/layout options (Eyal)
   + access together with master slides or remove from sidebar (Heiko)
   + layout is not part of the master (though requested) (Regina)
   + selection of the master-slides in the slide properties pane (Regina)
   + no objection to layout with master but still need to have it
     at slide properties (Cor)
   + Layouts are not that much useful as they are not intelligent;
     precious space would be wasted (Rafael)
   + proposal makes sense; pane could be collapsed to save space (Sahil)
   + character, list, paragraph still visible when in slide context? (Heiko)
     + why show it if not applicable? (Sahil)
     + so what would be different from the current situation (Heiko)
   + should all the slide attributes be available too?
     + makes not too much sense since it's not a per-slide option (Sahil)
     + totally against bloating the sidebar (Heiko)
   + MSO allows to change the layout via context menu but also only if not
     in any other context than the slide
   => WF

 * Ability to assign comments / tracked changes to a different author
   + rather avoid changes to or at least clearly indicate authorship (Heiko)
   + reasonable use cases such as name not set (Eyal)
   + documents with comments are not legal binding (Rafael)
   + protecting TC and comments outweighs flexibility and
     convenience (Heiko, Rafael, Sahil)
   + makes sense as extension and should list all comment authors allowing
     to take over one of those
   => do per extension

 * Ability to make multiple adjacent row or column cell merges
   + use case A1 = first name, B1 = second name => merge to combine (Eyal)
   + simply do =A1 & " " & B1 (Heiko)
   => WF

 * Simplify Address Book Data Source Wizard
   + not much benefit when all (variable number) intermediate steps
     become added (Heiko)
   + intention was to reuse existing dialogs (Rafael)
   + we should rather aim for a one-click integration and bring back
     TB integration, for example (Heiko)
   + if possible, this should be a standalone tool (Sahil)
   => WF

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