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Present: Sahil, Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Olivier, Miguel, Stuart, Rafael, Regina, Per, Ady


 * Enable 'Extended Tips' on Tools -> Options -> General by default
   + agree in principle, suggest to add an entry in the Help menu
     to toggle extended tips more easily (Olivier)
     + could be some toggle menu item (Per)
   + KDE still has issues with long extended tips and looks ugly (Olivier)
   + good idea (Miguel, Stuart, Rafael)
   + bad idea (Regina)
     + yellow rectangles whatever you do
   + ordinary tooltips also have no proper hidedelay/pause/? (Heiko)
   + how about accelerator to add the extended tip (Sahil)
     + wouldn't be a benefit for newbies (Heiko)
   => do it

 * Possibility to Find and Replace on Validity Formulas
   + functionality would not be clear (Ady)
   + preferably as another color for View > Value Highlighting (Heiko)
     + clashes with existing highlight, ie. blue numbers become red validations
   + niche request (Sahil)
   + indication could also be on the cell like for comments (Heiko)
   + F&R would require to turn validation into some kind of named object like
     styles and to replace one by another, as known from paragraph styles
     in Writer (Heiko)
   + OP has not responded suggest to set NEEDINFO flag (Eyal)
   => comment and set flag

 * Master document for Impress
   + links could be a solution (Regina)
   + mockup for Presentation Manager (PM) (Heiko)
   + wonder if OP really wants a Master Document and suggest to resolve
     this ticket and open another with a PM (Eyal)
   + could be done as extension or in a gsoc project (Eyal)
   + also possible as standalone tool and perhaps agnostic of
     any format (Sahil)
   => share the idea, seek for input

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