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Some rough examples what I have in mind with user stories:

* Simon wants to run a business meeting. He invites co-workers into the editing of a milestone document with text, numbers, and charts. After finalizing the content together, he as well as all colleagues add their signature so the document does not need to cycle through the company anymore.

* Kryztina has to complete a form with a lot of bureaucratic text, and she struggles to understand all details as a person with migration background. She invites Christian into the editing to help her.

* Maurizio works on a document with sensitive content. He needs help to accomplish a task but is not allowed to share the document publicly. So he invites Olivier to assist.

See also

Requirements would result and could be

* Easy to use: inviting a person is just a click away
* Secure: privacy is always guaranteed

On 02.07.24 3:51 PM, Heiko Tietze wrote:
Hello everyone,

the design/UX meeting *next week* is

on: Thursday, July/11, 14:00 CEST resp. 12pm/noon UTC

Here is the agenda:

   * Peer-to-peer collaboration tool
    + topic has been started at and is widely appreciated
     + for a kick-off we need use cases, requirements, and perhaps a mockup

The meeting *this week* is tomorrow, Wednesday Jul/03. The agenda can be found at


Dr. Heiko Tietze, UX-Architect and UI-Designer
Tel: +49 30 5557992-63 | Mail:
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