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Present: Sahil, Rafael, Heiko
Comments: Stephane, Stuart, Mike, Miguel, Ady, Eyal, Cor


 * Allow typing a date directly into the ad-hoc field when creating a
   custom date property
   + allow both entering a date by hand, while switching between
     increasingly large time ranges like decades with the pointer (Stephane)
   + nice idea (Cor)
   + just direct editing with some validation on-the-fly (Rafael, Heiko)
   + date picker with a switch so up/down change the year (Sahil)
   => do it

 * Change any style from a single window
   + implement an additional view mode 'Picked' (Stuart)
   + unclear request (Mike)
   + "Save as New" next to Reset, Apply..., which does not overwrites
     the currently edited style but creates a new children of it (Heiko)
   + likely detrimental to usability (Mike, Heiko)
   + offer a primary GUI to perform the style management (Stuart)
   + -1, changing styles is easy; mourning heading with
     percentage by default (Cor)
   + Stylist offers drag 'n drop so creating some style and moving it
     below another, which takes the attributes, is easy to do (Heiko)
   + see no obvious improvement in such a feature (Rafael)
   + create a dummy style, move the styles to change into this parent
     and change the property of the parent
   + to create a new children use New from the context menu
   + run into similar trouble with shapes (Rafael)
   + same procedure, create a new parent and move the styles into this
   + but it's moving not copying - we may use an accelerator like
     ctrl+drag to not move but copy
   + changing a style other than the current (and all other interactions)
     should be possible without the Stylist (Sahil)
   + would add a listview to the organizer tab that allows quick changes
     of the currently modified style (and maybe remove the name option
     and have some editing capability on this list) (Sahil)
   => introduce ctrl+drag to copy a style and make the style name a dropdown
     so changing any style is possible without the Stylist

 * Search in both values & formulae
   + agree (Miguel, Stuart, Sahil)
   + if implemented it should be labeled and working as "Everything" (Ady)
   + while FR distinguishes between Values and Formulas the QFS finds Values;
     OP obviously has not updated for a while
   + QFS should return Everything
   => go for the "Everything" option

 * UI: Hard to tell which side of a shape being used for as reference
   for rotation
   + rotation on plain shapes don't matter (Eyal)
   + leg/pointer extending in the vertical direction when created (Stuart)
   + reasonable request (Cor)
   + some kind of indicator on top left sounds good (Rafael)
   + flipping horizontally keeps the rotation while vertically changes
     it to 180°
   + a) always visible, b) optionally, c) only when selected, d) only when
     in rotation mode? -> c) (Rafael, Sahil)
   + symbol could be an angle or icon
   + or use a different color for the (green) dot (Rafael)
   + could also be a dedicated rotation "icon" like MSO does (Rafael)
   + show the actual degree of rotation with the cursor (Sahil)
   => idea accepted

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