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Present: Sahil, Andres, Rhesa, Heiko
Comments: Miguel, Ady, Eyal, Cor, Csongor, Eike, Laszlo


 * Hidden columns should not prevent text from preceding columns from
   overflowing over their cells
   + potentially breaks current workflow (Miguel)
   + could be done as (compatibility) flag (Ady)
   + afraid of performance issues (Ady)
   + support the request (Eyal, Cor, Sahil)
   + make it the default, and revert optionally (Sahil)
   + might be not so easy to find as compatibility flag but
     clutters the lengthy list of options under view on the
     other hand (Heiko)
   => do it

 * FORMATTING create a means to represent an integer as an IP Address
   + implement per function (Csongor)
+ solutions are spread over the Internet,
   + already have some number formatting types and another one
     would fit well (Eyal)
   + not simply one for all option considering IPv4/v6 (Heiko)
   + has a solution, if needed we should invest in the user-defined
     formatting (Sahil, Heiko)
   => resolve WF

 * AutoCorrect: Many symbol replacements should be defined for [All],
   not language-by-language, and work in [None]
   + extras/source/autocorr/*/DocumentList.xml entirely controlled
     by the local community (Heiko)
   + [None] means _no language tool processing at all_, [All] should be
     processed in all languages except [None] (Eike)
   + [All] would be useful, but only for a dozen of the replacements, but by
     moving we can lose educating the users (Laszlo)
   + adding a button to show only the items added by the user
     optionally (Laszlo)
   + adding some replacement to the [ALL] category makes it effective for
     paragraphs with language = None but not en_US, for example; apparently
     it's working for empty lists but not if the lang list has some content
   + if [All] items would be effective, users wont see those in their
     language depending list (Heiko)
   + if [All] has the same content as the actual language list it's unclear
     which one is used (eg. [All] --> = -> vs. [Hebrew] --> = <-) (Sahil)
   => remove [All] from the dropdown menu (at this tab), and
      make [None] none (Heiko)

 * personal / custom dictionaries should be easily portable
   + allow a dictionary to be saved as <filepath>/<filename>.dic (Cor)
   + placing a dictionary (*.dic/aff) in some folder which is added
     via options > path to the dictionary locations does not make
     it available as writing aid; apparently it needs some registration
   + export/import could be a nice task for a macro (Heiko)
   + it's a generic use case for the majority of users and adding this
     to the core makes sense (Sahil)
   + if so, we could add export/import buttons to the options dialog (Heiko)
   => comment

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