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Present: Sahil, Hossein, Bogdan, Heiko
Comments: Charles, John, Stuart, Miklos, Samuel


 * Autofilter enables deselect items automatically when typing a search
   + Patch
   + change All into All Selected (downside is an additional click)
   + add checkbox "[x] Auto Select" (downside is a more heavy UI)
   + consider experienced users who expect current behavior (Ady)
   + check other tools too (Hossein)
   + combining searches is only possible with the new functionality (Bogdan)
   => comment on BZ

 * The term "Track changes" is being used ungrammatically
   + "Record Track Changes" vs "Record Tracked Changes" or
     "Record Change Tracking"
   + "Change Tracking", and better under tools (Charles, John)
   + term is used by MSO, not worth the effort (Stuart, Heiko)
   + MS Word uses "Track changes" Google Docs: "review suggested
     edits" (Miklos)
   + "Track Changes" sounds good to me, "Manage Change Tracking"
     for example, or "Previous Change Tracking" (Sahil)
   + some effort to implement
   => WF

 * Forced to pick from the existing Impress templates - need to
   ad a Light and a Dark template
   + possible if background is transparent via Tools > Color >
     Light/Dark (Bogdan, Heiko)
   + still some ambiguity since probably light background is
     expected on export (Hossein)
   + and we ship some dark templates such as Portfolio
   => WFM

 * Copy SVG Code Directly into LibreOffice to Render Pictures
   + Insert > From Clipboard or Paste Special > As Text
   + why copy/paste the code when you can have the full
     image; better suited for an extension (Samuel)
   + add function similar to "Import MathML from Clipboard" (Regina)
   + allows to tweak and inspect the SVG code (Stuart)
   + wonder what happens when one pastes just a part on top
     of an existing image, -1/WF (Heiko, Hossein)
   + if editing when pasting complex content is the natural next step,
     would we also allow to modify ODF or HTML data (Hossein)
     + Pasting without editing would be meaningless, and those together
       requires big effort (Hossein)
   + not much interest in this feature over the years
   => resolve WF

 * Shapes-via-Gallery is problematic & partially redundant with
   the Shapes sub-toolbars and sidebar
   + no point in changing the Gallery (Stuart)
   + the Gallery is a place for various content being sorted currently
     by tasks mostly; if we remove the line drawings, for example, it might
     become more polished but we loose functionality; nevertheless
     some items might be worth to challenge (Heiko)
   + categorization is in fact not perfect but providing improvements to
     the Gallery is beyond one ticket (Hossein)
   + not a fan of removing content rather better categorization (Hossein)
   => ticket not actionable => WF

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