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Present: Maija, Sahil, Julia, Eyal, John, Cor, Heiko
Comments: LeroyG, Mike, Ady, Rafael, Werner, Tomaz, Csongor


 * Conducting a survey around LibreOffice
   + How often would you accept a nag screen?
   + Would you appreciate a welcome screen with some initial questions?
   + ...
   + to bring the results into something actionable is challenging
     but expected by the participants (Cor)

 * Inconsistent behavior of "New style from selection" in Styles list
   and Styles menu
   + works as expected in the Stylist but not anywhere else
   + add the "paragraph" to the string, at least (LeroyG)
   + alternative commands for every individual style (Mike)
   + not obvious that the command uno:StyleNewByExample is needed
     in menu/toolbar/shortcut (Eyal)
     + not so important (Cor, John)
   + drop customizability and access in the UI except the Stylist (Heiko)
     + drawback is that one needs to activate the Stylist
     + extra UNO commands would be needed for the Notebookbars too (John)
   + change just the title for now (Cor, Eyal)
   + PS can be added by directly adding the name to the styles toolbar
     control and we could provide an analogue control for CS (Cor)
   => change command title

 * add UNO command for Hidden font effect of characters in Writer
   + easy to customize via user-defined character style (Heiko)
   + disagree since it means to multiply CS (Eyal)
   + suggest to add it as DF (Eyal, John)
   + depending on the use case it be necessary to add the attribute
     on top of any format; example workflow is to have words in different
     language next to each other and hide one or the other (Cor)
   + but tend to agree with WF/NAB (Cor)
   => add UNO command (but dont show on the UI by default)

 * Sidebar pane shortcuts conflict with Alt+NumPad input
   + alt+num code is used to insert characters not on the keyboard (Ady)
   + make it depending on the OS/DE (Eyal)
   + use alt+shift+<num> (Heiko)
     + Acceptable (Eyal)
   + remove shortcuts, or make it so users can customize it
     + no so good (Eyal)
   + involve a11y into the discussion (Eyal)
   + ctrl+alt+<num> is available for customization!
   => comment

 * Add 'shuffle' or 'random' option to 'Sort' dialog
   + functionality not available in Excel too
   + agree to the need for UNO command to shuffling cell range,
     rows, columns (Rafael)
   + better suited for Sheet > Fill Cells (Werner)
     + definitely not (Tomaz)
   + frequently needed; best suited for the sort dialog as another
     option after ascending/descending (Csongor)
   + wonder if randomization needs to have a start value to get
     the same result repeatedly (Eyal)
     + should not (Cor)
   + expect it as extra command under Data among Sort (John)
   + bloats the dialog (Cor)
   + would rather like to see it in the dialog; would be more
     visible (Eyal)
   + hard to wrap the mind around sort first by col A, the
     by random B, and finally by C (Heiko)
   => UNO command might be the best choice

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