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Present: Hossein, Sahil, Heiko
Comments: Miguel, Regina, Cor


 * No hotkey to apply cloned formatting
   + ticket was set to fixed by removing the customizability for
     the UNO command
   + Clone formatting is a complex interaction with single click to
     apply once and double to apply until escaped; this complexity
     cannot put into a command (but could be done in a simple way)
   + we do have Repeat (shift+ctrl+Y), which applies the formatting,
     if this was the last operation, to the current selection (Heiko)
   + no strong opinion, suggest to be compatible with other
     programs (Hossein)
   + in fact MSO allows to copy per ctrl+shift+C and paste from this
     buffer at any time later per ctrl+shift+V
   => introduce the UNO command

 * Setting language for Selection/Paragraph/All text can't be shortcut
   + it's a bug, if pasting w/o format does not work (Cor)
   + possible solution is to define a character style with the preferred
     language, use tools > customize > keyboard: styles > character styles
     to assign a shortcut to this style (ideally you do this in a
     template); select text and apply the style per shortcut then (Hossein)
   => no further shortcut needed, WF

 * UI: Resizing of a selection of columns/rows should correspond
   to the mouse position
   + do not resize (all columns) to the width of the currently
     dragged column but divide the sum by the number of columns
     so the mouse position remains after releasing it (Cor)
   + sounds reasonable to me, rather with a modifier key such as ctrl
     to keep the old behavior too (Heiko)
   + same in Excel and suggest to not break the current behavior (Hossein)
   => do it

 * Feature request: Editing, Formatting, UI. Option to add linebreaks
   when merging cells into one
   + agree to use cr/lf (for rows) and tab (for columns) when merging
     cells (and split later with this information) (Miguel, Cor, Heiko)
   + doubt it can be considered generally (Hossein)
   + undo needs to be considered, tab/linefeed have special meaning
   => comment

 * Need a rectangular-brace-pair callout shape
   + good for an extension; attached to the ticket (Regina)
   + the Gallery > Shapes has some good callout examples (Hossein)
   + adding such shape leads to compatibility issues
   + possible to get square brackets from round (Heiko)
   + but this wont be a callout (Eyal)
   + compatibility bug should be filed (Hossein)
   + having the default shapes from other shapes in LibreOffice
     makes sense (Hossein)
   + adding too many shapes make access difficult and we should
     do it only for absolutely necessary content, WF (Heiko)
   => comment

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