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Present: Cor, Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Stephane


 * in automatic filter, add the number of the first row where the value appears
   + proposal is to show the first occurrence in addition/alternatively to the
     total number the first occurrence (tdf#149984)
   + suggest to ask in a forum/ask-libreoffice for good solutions - and request
     a change if none is found (Cor)
   + computational effort sounds to be low; real estate on dialog seems to be
     possible though somewhat cluttered; wouldn't reject the request but
     recommend to not start work unless more users are interested (Eyal)
   + would WF the request; searching is easy and showing the total number
     more relevant (Heiko)
   => keep ticket and comment

 * Cell / font formatting lost when data linked from external data
   + if external source has formatting it should be taken into the reference,
     if not it must not clear the internal format (Eyal)
   + make the two feature behave in exactly the same way and provide an
     option to  use the source formatting (Stephane)
   + better documentation needed (Heiko)
   + topic is very difficult to understand and probably needs more
     investigation (Cor)
   => follow Stephane's suggestion

 * The arrowhead control in the sidebar line section is difficult to notice
   + sidebar is crowded anyway, suggest to not have every single attribute
     there (Heiko)
     + cap style / corner style are even less likely changed by users (Eyal)
   + control is difficult to notice but tooltip makes the functionality
     obvious (Cor)
   => improve by moving the current control into a new line, drop cap/corner
     style, and keep splitting the control for later

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