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Present: John, Bogdan, Heiko
Comments: Eike, Eyal


 * feature [Draw] Color option to identify the layer
   + currently we show italic for locked, underline for non-printing
     and blue font color for invisible, and a bold bar for the active
   + a) just use bold for the active layer and icons for states
     + drawback is a jumping UI and larger tabs
   + b) use a thin bar to indicate the object's layer
     + hard to distinguish from the active layer
   + c) colorize the layer of the object with highlight color
     + could use the system highlight color (and invert the blue
       font of disabled)
   + like option a) (John)
   + competitors? uses kind of a Navigator and draws a tiny
     dot for the object's layer
   + ideally improve the Navigator
   => comment

 * Re-initialize autofill rather than overwriting content
   + re-initialize autofill rather than overwriting content when
     pressing ctrl (Heiko)
   + take care of shift being pressed (just copies the content)
   + no harm in adding this function (John)
   => do it

 * Paste number format only
   + paste special without format should not alter the
     target format (Eike)
   + would be a random choice of attributes and bloats the
     dialog (John, Heiko)
   + workflow is unclear and sounds very specific
   + using proper cell style might be a good alternative
   + Excel provides an option to paste "Formulas and number formats"
     or alternatively "Values and number formats"; we should consider
     adding this (John)
   + just adding the number format could be a checkbox under Options
     labeled "Number format" disabled if "[x] Format" is checked (and
     otherwise allowing to overwrite the target number format)
   => do it

 * Print or export to PDF by chapters/sections
   + nice shortcut (Heiko)
   + should be called heading; and agree with the request (Eyal)
   + makes the print dialog more complicated and is quite unusual;
     reading first/last page from the document is simple enough (John)
   => resolve WF

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