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Present: Cor, Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Stephane, RGB, Eyal, Jan, Robert


 * As we now have a Comment style, remove/redirect "Format all comments..."
   + direct formatting might still be needed, eg. to increase the font size
     for all comments (Stephane)
     + rename to "Direct format all comments" and perhaps hide it from
       the menu but keep it; add Edit Style to the menu (Heiko)
   + turn "Format all comments" into "Edit default paragraph style for
     comments" (RGB)
   + rather open the Paragraph Style dialog for the current Comment PS (Eyal)
   + remove the command, and offer "Select All" (Cor, Eyal)
   => comment

 * Improve password security UX
   + implement strength meter based on existing code, do not use rules,
     consider further improvements (Jan)
   + have an "unmask password" icon (Jan)
   + have a policy to provide companies a way to not allow simple
     passwords (Cor, Gabor)
   + show strength meter with tooltips what do to (Eyal, Heiko)
   + perhaps split the bug (Eyal)
   => comment

 * Method to clear search text drop down list in Base form
   + remember search during the session (Heiko)
   + store it in the database (Robert)
   => fix depending on effort

 * Writer: repeat first column of a table on subsequent pages
   + table don't flow left/right to the next page (Cor)
   + OP is not a CTL user but wants to split a wide table
     across multiple pages
   + theoretically it might be possible "If a table does not fit
     on a single page, a set of adjacent table columns can be
     automatically repeated on every page..."
   + Calc provide means to achieve this via Print Range > Row/Columns
     to repeat (Cor)
   + don't worth the effort, unless the OP can explain why implementing
     this in Writer in necessary (Eyal)
   => WF

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